Artificial intelligence poem (AI)
This is happening now.
Written by Billy Joe (BJ) Cate
Researchers are working fast on the technology, AI.
Do you believe thousands of us want to give it a try?
I come from a school, I don't know what I don't know,
So I go slow until I know, then I'll know where to go.
Our adventure into AI could turn out to be a minefield.
Yet AI’s potential could give us a very positive yield.
Reported that it does tasks at nearly the speed of light.
I heard it said, that reason tests are up to 98% right?
In 1947 there was a spaceship crash in Roswell, New Mexico.
Is what was found there be secrets that others in power know.
From that crash, it is amazing how fast we begin to grow.
We're looking at artificial intelligence (AI) how far will it go?
AI is new to many Americans who are in fear of what to expect.
As reported in an event it got out of control, which we can't neglect.
AI has so many reported benefits that it is hard for me to refuse.
Fear is a paralyzing force, many may feel AI can be bad news.
I believe human intelligence and the secrets found at Roswell,
is what led us to out-of-this-world Technology, only time will tell.
It appears that AI could be especially great in medical breakthroughs.
There are many fields and possibilities which could be great news.
catebj12 wrote, “There are many fields and possibilities which could be great news.”
Please explain ‘OPEN’ ai, when its source code is proprietary, requiring user $$$ ?
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