BY, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate
Hearing today's news boggles my mind.
Knowing the truth is so hard to find.
Truth in my Bible so much to me.
Coming to know, the truth will set us free.
So many in power go around what is really true.
This causes a chilling effect on me seeing what they do.
We are exposed to so many who tell us lies.
After several years this comes as no surprise.
Many in the USA in power don't follow our constitution.
We who are wise know following the Constitution is our solution.
When we have people in power that makeup laws as they go.
Forcing unconstitutional laws on us before we know.
Thank God for those who have had the courage to stand up today.
Asking others to join our team so we can go back to the American way.
Our original constitution should be followed as our founding fathers say.
Since 1976 our constitution has guided us to our freedom today.
Since America’s foundation uses freedom as its base.
We need to know this is something we can never replace.
This is an American truth we all need to protect.
Having courage and doing this, we're gaining other’s respect.
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