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  • David L Culberson

    We all agree with that.

  • John Reed

    Amen to that

  • Jeff Noncent

    I agree with you 100%

  • wrichardk

    Democrats are creating so much destruction and chaos in America it may take divine intervention along with DJT to undo the damage these Marxist lunatics have created 

  • Gerald Landis

    right now I am hoping and praying for the USA

    I do not know whom to trust but God.

    God tells us to pray for Kings and Rulers.

    My true citizenship is in heaven.

    We are on earth a sinking ship 🚢

    It has not sunk yet

  • Gerald Landis

    I am happy with Mr Trump helping in Ohio.

  • Gerald Landis

    I really would like to see 🙈
    Frank Social work.

    I am having a difficult time understanding how to use Frank Social.

    My personal mission is encouraging, networking and praying with Christian brothers and sisters around the world.

    I hope everyone understands.

    So far I really donot understand how to submit a picture 🖼️ on my posts or the log in process.

    Hopefully we all can work together to make Frank Social work.

  • Gerald Landis

    We need God on good days..
    when we feel like we are in the mountains or the beach..

    As well as our own personal dark dark days in the valleys

    There is no such thing as a perfect christian day in my little corner.

  • Gerald Landis

    God bless you preachers and pastors.

    The noise of the children is a precious addition to your sermon sermon as you preach.

  • Gerald Landis

    My heart when someone on Facebook social media said
    their daughter was suffering with COVID today.

    Both father and daughter are not young people.

  • Gerald Landis


    be instructed before leaving earth 🌍.

  • Gerald Landis

    My final flight will be to heaven.

    I am now homebound age 75.
    Only 25 more years to be 💯 100.

  • Gerald Landis

    Brothers and sisters God can use you as a Christian worker on Facebook and Gmail and social media.

    The playing field is wide open at this present time.

  • Gerald Landis

    What if they never change?

    Will you still love your spouse or adult children?

  • Gerald Landis

    I am supremely blessed by many Christian radio 📻 apps.

    There are many on Playstore.

    Am not sure if I am supposed to name them here..

    Here are three that I enjoy

    Bible Broadcasting Network or BBN North Carolina

    Rejoice radio Pennescola Christian College Florida

    Final Fight Bible Radio apps

  • Gerald Landis

    In my old age I am learning I can not eat like a twenty year old.

    Do you believe food is medicine 💊?

    Do you try natural medicine health products.

  • Gerald Landis

    Are you a Piñata person?

    Do you complain about preacher pastor or politician?

    And then expect to be kind to you?

    Kind words should flow out of our pintas. I mean mouths

  • Gerald Landis

    If someone is hungry share a
    cup of stew from your soup pot.

    You have the hungry in your neighborhood or city 🌆 too.

    God tells us to help the foreigner next door.

    At least if not safe to say hello.. you can pray 🙏.

  • Gerald Landis

    We have children in the USA who are hungry too..

    Maybe some who just feast on macroni and cheese or rice. They never have steak and veggies.

    Please donate to Christian children's homes and gospel missions

    The Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago has been helping the homeless for 120 years.

    Please help christian homes for children in the USA

  • Gerald Landis

    What is God teaching you new?

    The Apostle Paul in the book of Romans knew he was not perfect

  • Gerald Landis

    If you can not sleep in the night 🙏 pray

  • Gerald Landis

    Noah preached around 120 years before the flood.

    I donot think in his day people were cavemen

    How could he build a big 🚢 boat if he was intelligent?

  • Gerald Landis

    The Church is My Home..

    We all need Bible Church families.

    The church is people not a building.

  • Gerald Landis

    God is sending out missionaries from many countries of the world.. not just the USA

    Example, Spanish people go to Africa and India 🇮🇳 as missionaries.

  • Gerald Landis

    I like my circle of churches..
    but more important is have you prayed or invited the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart?

    The only sin that will keep you from heaven is not inviting Him into your heart.

  • Gerald Landis

    Central Florida Orlando and Tampa now one big city is a big Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese mission field.
    There are many more groups as from the Philippines and Indonesia.

    You can be a missionary here in the USA

  • Gerald Landis

    We cannot actually save the USA in these end times.

    However we tell others that Christ died for our sins.

    We still are told to pray for Kings and Rulers.

  • Gerald Landis

    Are you a critic of the USA broken system?

    Maybe the only hope is Christ.

  • Gerald Landis

    Please pray that our adult children and old people policiations will stay out of the alcohol aisle.

    Unfortunately some christians and even pastors get DUIs.

  • Gerald Landis

    Please pray that our adult children and old people policiations will stay out of the alcohol aisle.

    Unfortunately some christians and even pastors get DUIs.


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